There is no worse feeling than the feeling that you live in a pressure cooker except maybe of the bill at the end of the month. In the middle of the summer, it costs astronomically to refresh your house. Some of the hottest areas of the country are charged a few hundred dollars a month for cooling.
Fortunately, there are various ways to save money with the air conditioning system.
These low-cost tips keep you cool while beating the heat this summer. Air-conditioning may be a power bill skyrocket, but it is also not a friendly alternative. Fortunately, these tips will save you money and make your air conditioning better work over the summer months.
Cleaning Condenser Coils
Cleaning your AC condenser coils will make the unit more quickly cool down and reduce your AC’s energy consumption. You must clean the system early in the year before the Summer AC Unit is required. Your air conditioner’s outdoor capacitor spiral is a hard job in warm weather. It absorbs the heat from your house and discharges it into the heat of the sun. Your outdoor condenser coil will move a lot of air to get rid of the accumulated heat. When the coil is dirty or if the plants or other items are too close to the pump, the fan can not push as much air in the outdoor coil as required for excellent efficiency and performance. It reduces your air conditioning energy costs and can reduce the life of your external condenser.
Set your AC Temperature as High as you can
An energy policy activist, says that turning up the thermostat before you leave home, is the most efficient way to use your air conditioner. A programmable thermostat will make keeping your AC at the right temperature super simple. You can schedule the system to work at a higher temperature at work and cool right before going home. Set the temperature of your thermostat always to the maximum you can save money. You can save big bucks only through a slight change in temperature. By setting a thermostat 10 to 15 degrees up for 8 hours a day, you save 10% a year on cooling bills
Close All Blinds and Curtains
Most householders sacrifice essential cold air conditioning to unsealed doors. You can quickly check it by going outside and carrying your hand at doors and windows to see if cold air leaks. When you observe such, ensure that windows and doors are shut entirely and fresh around the borders. Solar screens, window movies, and mesh window displays are other ways to save air conditioners money by blocking as much as 70 percent of solar power before it reaches the building. So long, so you safely shut your door, these additions will make a huge difference.
Set it Lower than Usual at Night
Always keep your air conditioning on during the day, and set it (2-3 degree lower) during the night. The reasoning is simple. First, the evening air is naturally more relaxed, so you can take advantage of that by setting your AC 2-3 degree lower to get some buffer. For comfortable sleeping, your body doesn’t need your air conditioner to run at the same temperature as it does during the day. So, by setting it lower at night, you can enjoy some nocturnal energy savings and sweet dreams
Keep Up with Repairs and Maintenance
If you have the new AC and you careless about your appliances, it won’t save money on air conditioning bills. Dirty filters can easily obstruct air flow and make cooling your home more difficult for devices. Simply cleaning and replacing filters once a month will reduce your energy use by 5-15%. Always make sure the floors do not contain dust — or furnishings. Dirt, leaves, branches, and vegetation shall also be excluded from the external AC units. Make sure indoor and outdoor units are safe and transparent so that your system can have full mobility.
Get in touch with the expert AC repair and AC maintenance technicians at Waychoff’s Air Conditioning today. You can trust them for a seamless replacement and installation at pocket-friendly prices.