Why Your Heater Smells Like It’s Burning: Causes & What To Do

Why Your Heater Smells Like It’s Burning: Causes & What To Do

It’s normal for your heater to produce a slight odor the first few times it’s used each winter. What’s not normal is for a burning smell to persist all season long. This odor is unpleasant to deal with and, in some cases, can even be dangerous.

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If you’re wondering why your heater smells like it’s burning, you need a trained technician to take a closer look. But first, find out why your heater might be producing that burning smell.

8 Reasons Why Your Heater Smells Like It’s Burning

Your heater could produce a burning odor for several different reasons. However, it generally boils down to some of the same issues.

1. Dusty Furnace

A dusty furnace is one of the most common sources of a burning smell. Every home deals with dust, and this dust builds up in your heater over time, especially during the spring and summer months when it’s not in use. When winter rolls around, the heater turns on and starts kicking that dust around. When this happens, the dust burns, creating a foul odor.

There are steps you can take to prevent dust from causing problems like this. Having your furnace cleaned is the best way to do this. You can have it cleaned during your annual heating service before winter starts.

2. Burning Plastic

If you smell something like burning plastic coming from your heater, chances are there’s burning plastic in your heater. This is a common problem many homeowners experience.

It occurs when a piece of plastic finds its way into the heating system. This could be a piece of trash that fell on the floor and wound up in the ducts, or it could be a toy your child managed to get stuck.

You can fix this issue by removing the plastic from the system. Sometimes, you can see it sitting near your heater and remove it yourself. But in other cases, it’s lodged deep in the system. If this happens, you’ll need a professional to find and remove the plastic for you.

3. Clogged Air Filter

In some cases, the smell of burning is the smell of your heater overworking itself. The friction and heat created can create a burning smell.

A common cause of an overworking heater is a clogged air filter, which restricts airflow. The system must work harder to produce enough air. Luckily, this is an easy issue to fix. All you have to do is swap the clogged filter for a new one. You can either do this on your own or have a professional take care of it for you.

Replacing your air filter also helps improve the air quality in your home by capturing dust and potential allergens before they enter your home.

4. Bacteria and Mold Buildup

Dust isn’t the only material that can accumulate in your heater and air ducts; bacteria and mold are other common culprits. These contaminants build up until the heater switches on, at which point they start to burn and create the burning smell you’re experiencing. 

The best way to deal with this problem is to have bi-annual maintenance performed on your HVAC system, ensuring that these issues are addressed before they become a concern.

5. Electrical Issues

Your furnace is programmed to shut down when it starts overworking. This prevents it from experiencing issues like overheating. Electrical issues can prevent this timely shutoff from occurring. Instead, the system keeps running and running despite the possible dangers.

This is one of the most serious issues and requires immediate furnace repair. You should have a professional look at your furnace as soon as possible to determine what’s wrong with it. Otherwise, the electrical issue could cause a fire.

6. Oil Filter

Some heaters use oil filters. While these filters can prevent some common furnace issues from arising, they can cause other problems. For example, they can contribute to the burning smell coming from your heater.

If that’s the case, you need a professional to inspect your system. They can determine what went wrong and replace your filters for you.

7. Damaged Heater or Furnace

Any sort of damage your furnace experiences can cause problems like a burning smell. This is most common in furnaces that haven’t been properly maintained. That’s why we recommend routine maintenance for your furnace or heat pump. Without regular service, you run the risk of random furnace malfunctions.

8. Fan Motor Overheating

The fan inside your heater is one of the main moving parts, and with moving parts comes friction. Excess friction can create heat, which might produce a burning smell. That’s why your heater’s fan is a common culprit of this odor.

This issue is best left to the professionals. The fan is a delicate instrument that’s connected to dangerous wires. A professional HVAC technician will identify the problem and perform necessary repairs.

Dirty Air FilterWhen You May Need a Heater Repair

A heater that smells like it’s burning is an obvious cause for concern. But if the problem is minor, you may not need heating repairs quite yet.

You can start by looking for any obvious signs of the problem. If you notice something near the heater is burning or something in the vents is causing the problem, you can possibly remove it yourself and see if the issue goes away. If it does, you’re good to go. On the off chance that you can’t identify the source of the problem, wait a bit. If the burning smell dissipates quickly, it was probably just dust.

But if the problem persists, happening every time your heater turns on, you could have a more serious issue on your hands. Contact a technician for expert heater repairs.

How to Prevent Your Heater From Producing a Burning Smell

You can take steps to prevent your heater from emitting a burning smell. The solution is to identify the source of the smell, which can be achieved by performing routine maintenance or cleaning it.

By cleaning the components of your HVAC system routinely, you can prevent a few common issues. This step keeps dust, mold, and mildew at bay. To clean your system thoroughly, you need a professional’s help. Trained HVAC technicians have tools to give your system a deep clean beyond what you can do alone.

The other step you can take to prevent a burning smell is regular maintenance. You should schedule regular maintenance visits for your HVAC system to keep it running like it should and catch any problems before they worsen. Routine maintenance also helps your system run more efficiently, saving you money on monthly energy bills.

Heating & Furnace Repair Services at Waychoff’s

If you need heating services or furnace repair, look no further than Waychoff’s. We’re a professional HVAC service company dedicated to helping homeowners in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, and surrounding areas. Our technicians provide heating repairs, general HVAC maintenance, and installation services. We’re the one-stop shop for all your HVAC needs. The next time you have a problem with your heater, schedule with Waychoff’s.

